
Gap spacer

Gabel-Harmon-Pianoforte. A piano patented by Matthias Muller in 1827 in which one of the unison strings of each note is replaced by a tuning fork.

Gap spacer. Any structural member crossing the gap between the wrest plank and the rest of the piano frame, common before the introduction of full-length iron bracing.

German action. See PRELLMECHANIK.

Giraffe piano. A wing-shaped upright with the tail end placed uppermost.

Grand piano. A piano standing free of the floor on three,four, or six legs, and is 4’7″ to 10’2″ in length.

Grand pianoforte. A piano in a horizontal, wing-shaped case, the form of which is directly derived from that of the harpsichord.

Hammer. The part of the piano action that strikes the strings of an individual note. The hammer shanks are usually made of wood; before c1830 most hammer heads were covered with leather but since they have mostly been made of densely packed felt. (See also BEAK.)

Hammer butt. The part of the upright piano hammer that is pushed by the jack.

Hammerflugel (Ger.). See FORTEPIANO.

Hammer head. The primary part that distinguishes the piano from the other stringed keyboard instrument. It consists of a wooden moulding covered at one end with dense felt that strikes the strings.

Hammerklavier (Ger.). A term for the piano used in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries: it was designated by Beethoven for his sonatas opp.101 and 106.,

Hammers. Wool felt pads that hit the strings to begin the sound.

Hand stop. See STOP.,

Harmonicity The signal-to-noise ratio of anything that generates a periodic signal.

Harpsichord. A wing-shaped stringed keyboard instrument that contains quilled-jacks that pluck the strings.

Harp stop. See BUFF STOP.

Heel of action. The base of the action lever at the point that it contracts the capstan.

Hitch pin. A steel rod driven into the iron frame around which the non-tuneable ends of the strings are seated.

Hitch-pin plate. [hitch-plate]. The plate into which the hitch-pins are driven.

Hopper. see jack.

House piano. A piano owned by a performance venue.

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