
How Old is my Baldwin Piano?

Throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s, the Baldwin Piano Company acquired 42 companies, including those involved in finance and electronics, becoming Baldwin United. In 1963, they acquired Bechstein, the well-loved German firm; this association, which was the last until 1987, gave them an international piano service for concert artists. In 1965 they produced their first concert grand, the SD-10. Their rise continued until 1983 when, due to rising interest rates, Baldwin United filed for bankruptcy. The profitable piano division was bought by its executive staff and in 1984 the Baldwin Piano and Organ Company once again became privately owned.

Between the 1980s and early 1990s, Baldwin in association with Samick, formed the Korean American Music Company and between them they produced the Howard grand piano. During the late 1980s Baldwin enlarged again, buying piano-related firms such as Wurlitzer, the American piano and organ firm. On November 1 2001, nearly a month after filing for bankruptcy, the Baldwin Piano and Organ Company was acquired by Gibson Guitar Corporation, starting a new and exciting chapter in the history of the two firms.

Dates and serial numbers when the pianos were manufactured   

1890 3890
1900 10400
1910 16400
1920 35800
1930 63000
1940 88700
1950 110243
1960 145002
1970 190028
1980 236654
1990 290656
1995 328780
2000 480000
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