
How Old is my Bosendorfer Piano?

Until the mid-1920s, Bosendorfer made only a few hundred pianos a year; this production fell rapidly during the Great Depression and ceased altogether in the final years of the Second World War, when the company’s offices were destroyed by heavy fighting, and its wood reserves and pianos used for firewood. Revival in the postwar period was slow and painful, with production not exceeding 100 pianos a year until 1950. Then in 1966 Arnold H. Habig , president of Kimball International Inc., bought the company with the aim of using Bosendorfer’s expertise to revitalize the Kimball range of pianos. The acquisition, unlike many similar buyouts, turned out to be an extremely successful one for both companies until January 2002, when Bosendorfer broke ties with the Kimball organization. Today backed by the Austrian banking group BASAG-P. S. K., Bosendorfer have fully regained their position among the world’s greatest makers of fine pianos.


Dates and serial numbers when the pianos were manufactured   

1828 4
1830 200
1840 490
1850 3000
1860 5000
1870 6400
1880 9300
1890 12200
1900 15640
1910 19250
1920 22530
1930 25350
1940 26290
1950 26960
1960 28017
1970 29109
1980 33444
1990 40384
2001 45695
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